Summary- Reader Response(Draft 1)

 In the article ”Where’s My Supersuit?” Zelik (2019), highlights the attributes and benefits of the spring-powered exosuit, which aims to prevent low back pain in the majority of adults. The article also mentions that most adults have or will deal with low back pain someday, and the suit helps to lessen stress on the lower back muscles. The exosuit consists of common clothing material with an “assistive fabric elastic band”, coupled with an on-off switch that is activated when needed. Due to the absence of batteries and motors, users are able to move normally when the suit is turned off, while other exoskeletons are bulky, uncomfortable and interfere with movement. Owing to the sleek design of the suit, it can hardly be noticeable when worn under everyday clothes. Ultimately, Zelik (2019) hopes that in the future, physical enhancing wearables will be as much of a norm in society as smartphones.


Zelik, K. (2019, April 21). “Where’s My Supersuit”.


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