Soul of Communication

 How do you see communication and critical thinking impacting your future role as a leader in the workplace?

To my understanding, an effective leader is someone that has qualities such as communication and critical thinking skills in his arsenal for ideas to be relayed with clarity throughout the hierarchy. Under the 7 types of leadership in the world that I have read, this type of leadership that closely related to what I have mentioned, which is participative leadership, and it is being displayed by Donald Trump. This type of leadership facilitates ideas and sharing information with the end goal of arriving at a decision. In an engineering setting, participative leaders must be able to lead their team towards turning their words into reality. One should have no issue forming a communicational brief when a hiccup arises where discussions are encouraged. Being an effective communicator also helps to create a comfortable and friendly atmosphere for a team by listening and making his teammates feel heard. Critical thinking is also required as it acts as a dynamic way on the different situations the leader faced, while still able to sum all the main ideas and points back to the topic that was discussed. 

In conclusion, I am able to resonate with this leadership pattern well as after graduation, I will be working with a team with skilled and experienced subordinates with the knowledge that would increase productivity.


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